GnuPG & Minisign |
Links & Descriptions
- FastLZ-Java - The FastLZ Compression Algorithm in Java
- Crypto-Java - Cryptological Things in Native Java of a lesser known variety
- jSQLITE3 - A light minimalistic wrapper to SQLite3 using JNA
- jCURL - A light minimalistic wrapper to libcurl using JNA
- jMarkov - Markov Implementation in Java for amusement and emulation of my daily messages
- jtar - Simple pure Java implementation of manipulating tar files
- SieveEratosthenes - Sieve of Eratosthenes in java, you can download the generated primes here.
- atomikron - Packet Logger / Analysis Streaming Live Into SPLUNK
- jdbtool - Import and Export tool for SQL Databases (Maria & PostgreSQL) via JSON
- jShallotV2 - Tor Onion Address (v2) Generator in Java
- jFancyTerm - Swing based fake terminal for Java
- jRaylib - A JNA Wrapper for Raylib 4.0.0
- ZigStuff.Online - My Blog about coding in Zig
- zig-stuff - Messing aroud with Zig with my own personal programing exercises / algorithms
- bfz - A BF interpreter in zig
OS Development
- PiDOS - A DOS like Operating System for the Raspberry Pi
- MuppetHunt - A silly game inspired by Hunt The Wumpus but more... interesting!
- memdrv-win32 - Read/Write blocks of memory w/dynamic allocation
- cidr-rdns - Mass rdns of ip blocks by cidr using c-ares
- bfwin32-c - A BF Interpreter in C for Win32 Enviroments
- MessagePack-C - My Implementation of Message Pack in C
- lzh-improved - Improved version of an old lzh compression library to allow safe threading
- Base32 - Base32 Encoding / Decoding in C
- myTCC - A Modified version of TCC that I use
- asmutil - Generic 32-bit ASM Algorithms
Investigative / Analysis / Research
- TorMalware-Research - Old research, circa 2011, for making a Tor enabled hacking tool POC
- Pandora-OOC - An Object-Oriented ANSI C Framework to obfuscate and prevent static and/or live executable analysis
- Lua-Nyx - An extended and modified version of lua-5.4.4